kesel lah.. ==*

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ok, skrg aku bener2 kesel..

Giri post something on the group, I see that there’re 16 comments added, but aku cuma bisa liat 10 doang..
6 lainnya kmana?
hantu gada maen FB woy !! More

kebetulan aja..

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Verification In Random Answer..
I know that you won’t understand what it’s mean..
it just my word, my idea about a question that need to be answered by many people anonymously..
yup, a question, many answer, many answer mean different ideas, then it must be verified one by one to know what’s the best answer for the question..

curhatan selama KKNM

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Hari 1

13 Jan 2011

Tiba di pondokkan kita di tempat KKN, cibiuk kidul, 10 cewe di rumah bu haji, 12 cowo di rumah TK. Yg cowo harus bebenah lg, bikin sekat supaya “kamar tidur”nya ga keliatan ama anak2 yg ngelewat TK. Yah, 12 cowo di dalam ruang TK berukuran sekitar 5x12m, lumayan ada udara laaah. Kenalan ama pa haji – bapaknya ibu haji, yg kocak (?), menandakan klo orang2 desa ini ramah lah. Well, seems it’ll be fun to be here. 😀
